Hello, my name is Jesse.

I'm a Software Engineer


A fullstack software engineer who loves tinkering with software and messing around with linux and cloud technologies. Looking to refine and expand my software engineering skills and to work with passionate individuals.

Front End Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • PostCSS
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • JSX
  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue
  • Jasmine
  • Jest
  • Selenium
  • Redux
  • RXJS

Back End Skills

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Linode
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • NodeJS
  • Laravel
  • C#
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Rust

Other Skills

  • Linux
  • Ansible
  • Vagrant
  • DNS
  • Git
  • Vim
  • Emacs
  • Bash
  • Webpack
  • Vite
  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • REST
  • OOP
  • FP

Professional Experience

Freelancing — Web Developer

February 2022 - Present

  • Design, build, maintain, and host websites for local business
  • Manage and maintain Linux servers via Ansible and Kubernetes
  • Market and sell ECommerce and blogging services to local businesses

Apex Trading — Senior Software Engineer

March 2021 - February 2022

  • Designed and Developed new features using Vue + Laravel
  • Created a new and Interactive Signup Flow for the web app
  • Helped with Docker + Webpack and fixed dependency errors in builds
  • Created CRM Dashboard Tools for managing + viewing customer data

Nature’s Sunshine — Software Engineer

October 2018 - July 2020

  • Developed Internal Facing Toools using Angular, React, and .NET Core
  • Managed and deployed services using Docker and Kubernetes in Azure and GCP
  • Responsible for helping create qemp.com and naturessunshine.com
  • Excelled at making clean and functional UI/UX components/pages

Target Local Marketing — Developer Intern

May 2017 - July 2017

  • Optimized existing pieces of PHP code for clients projects
  • Transfer Domains to new service providers for clients
  • Transitioned websites from staging to production


MTECH — Web Programming & Development

January 2018 - October 2018

  • Hands-on instruction by full-time industry professionals namely web developers, software engineers, security specialists, technology consultants, program managers, and human resource specialists
  • Gained invaluable knowledge and experience developing with HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, and React. Other topics include Git, Automated QA, Back-End, Database, Hosting, Deployment, Security, and Soft Skills


  • Travel
  • Hiking, Biking, and Longboarding
  • Playing Chess and Board Games
  • Listening to Music (weird love for hiphop, edm, and indie music)
  • Repairing and Building Computers + Bikes
  • Gaming