Hello, my name is Jesse.

I'm a Software Engineer


Automating All the Things With Ansible

Write YAML Once, Configure Many Servers Many Times

For as long as I’ve been using linux, I’ve always had the problem of setting up new machines to have the right configuration. I would always have to manualy install, update, and configure my computers and servers to have the exact specs I’d need for the software I would want to run. I always found this to be frustrating and time consuming as I would always either be distro hopping, configuring servers to run my applications, or to just add obscure configurations I would have for each of the machines.

Nextcloud an Alternative to Google

Because Google Kinda Sucks!

I don’t have to say that Google sucks. Some of there services are great, and trust me, I know. I’ve been a life long Google user for years and still to this day I at least use one or two Google services in my life. But the implications that come with your privacy and the right to your data and what you can do with it are limiting. For the last two years I’ve been working to move away from the Google eco-system and finding FOSS and self-hosted alternatives that rock!

Creating a Website With Hugo

a BLAZINGLY FAST static website generator

I found myself needing to create a new website and stumbled across a project named Hugo! If you dont already know, Hugo is a static website generator built with the Go Programming Language. I just started using Hugo for my site (the one you’re on right now!) and it’s been one of my favorite tools for creating static websites. At it’s core, it uses Go Templates to create webpages and markdown files for content.