Hello, my name is Jesse.

I'm a Software Engineer


Who am I?

I’m a young software engineer who grew up in a small town in Utah! I’m an avid biker + longboarder, casual hiker, and creative who loves to express himself through code and the internet!

How I got into all of this?

It started as a child with my curiosity for the mysteries of the computer and the internet. I would always love to tinker with the computer and the various programs on it. One of those programs was Minecraft; I loved going into the code and modifying it with silly little tweaks. This gave me such a rush of joy and from them on something just clicked in my head. I knew that I needed to do more with the computer in my life.

I became infatuated with the internet + coding at a young age and started messing around with html, css, and javascript early in my highschool years. Fascinated by the possibilities, my childhood friend, Chad Malmrose, pushed me to new heights. We joined a basic programming course half way through sophomore year, learning various languages, we caught up with the class and managed to finish at the top with our peers.

Junior year, we started a new chapter in our lives, learning more and more with what we could do with this new found tool that was coding. Our mentor, Sam Haas, sparked our interests in programming and we were off! It was that year I realized that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life! building cool stuff with the new found programming languages we had learned!

By Senior year, our school offered a school funded program called C.A.P.S. to work with small + local business to help students explore and learn about various industries/carriers in a project based environment. I joined this program and became a team lead for various coding projects, teaching students some of the basics of programming, managing timelines, and delivering small website to various local businesses.

By the end of the year, I had gained valuable knowledge and had landed a internship at a small company in Park city, Utah for the Summer. Although short and humbling, I realized there was still much I needed to learn, so I applied for a course at a technical college in Lehi Utah, called MTECH for web programming and development. For a whole year, I dedicated 50 hours a week learning fundamentals of web development from back-end tech, front-end tech, security, hacking, and development tools.

At the end of the program, I was landed a paid internship at a herbal supplements company down in Lehi, Utah called Natures Sunshine. After working as an intern for 4 months, I was hired full-time! I worked there for around 2 years total building various tools and websites for the company, jump starting my career into Software Engineering!